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river bed 河床。

river boat

Finally , by using of the mathematical model , it is calculated and predicted the effect of the different tongguan riverbed elevations as well as the different conditions of incoming water and sediment on the variance of the flood elevation and the tend of aggradation and degradation of the lower weihe river bed . it is answered quantitively the lessening extent of sediment silt and the decreasing extent of the flood elevation of the lower weihe river after 14 years on two different incoming water and sediment conditions with three different tongguan elevations , respectively 328m , 327m and 326m . these results supply important references to the planning of flood control and comprehensive regulations of the weihe river basin 最后用驗證后的數學模型對不同水沙系列、不同潼關高程( 328m 、 327m 、 326m )下渭河下游的沖淤趨勢和洪水位的變化進行了預測計算,從定量上回答了潼關高程從328m降至327m (相當于潼關高程降1m )和潼關高程從328m降至326m (相當于潼關高程降2m )時,渭河下游14年之后各河段的減淤程度以及不同流量級洪水位的降低幅度,這些成果對于渭河下游防洪治理規劃的制定具有重要的參考價值。

Especially for resent years , because the conditions of coming discharge and sediment have occurred un - corresponding variation , shrink ' s velocity increases serious rapidly , shrink ' s characters tend to be serious , the river bed have been heightening continuously , from these , they have lead to various disaster effects obviously and brought heavy pressure for flood control and river harnessing 黃河下游河道為嚴重的萎縮性河道。尤其是近年來,由于來水來沙條件發生非協調性變異,萎縮速率明顯加快,萎縮性更趨嚴重,河床持續抬高,由此引起的各種災害效應愈加明顯,對防洪及河道治理產生巨大壓力。

The instrument adopts the theory of ultrasonic echo for quickly scanning river bed topography under water and employs the principle of resistance for measuring river bed topography upon water and shallow beach topography , which increases the measuring speed effectively and decreases the disturbing influence on river bed 該儀器采用超聲測量原理實現了水下地形的無接觸快速掃描測量,采用阻抗原理實現了洲灘、邊灘、淺灘的地形測量,有效提高了測量速度,并減小了對河床的擾動影響。

Its main span , which is 60m long , is made up of prestressed concrete continuous beam . the fourth pier , one of the main piers , adopts the compound foundation constituted with double - siding steel cofferdam and drilled shafts which stands on the deep - water and slopping river bed where geological condition is very complex , so the cofferdam has the trend of slippage 渝懷鐵路第20標段阿蓬江大橋全長343 . 06m ,主跨為60m的預應力混凝土連續梁, 4 #墩是其一個主墩,基礎采用雙壁鋼圍堰與鉆孔樁相結合的復合基礎。

In this thesis , first , reasons and factors for the stability of loose rock dams were summarized according to the field surveys and certain expert ' s experiences . then , researches on block stability problems were reviewed , and according to the relationship between grain size and incipient velocity , it is found that the block weight is in direct proportion to 6 - 9 power of incipient velocity , and 50 % increase of the velocity will result in about 40 times change of the block weight . after that , experiments were conducted in a flume , focusing on the relationship between incipient velocity and some main factors including block weight , water depth over the dam , cross - section size , block material and river bed material 本文首先根據散拋石壩損毀情況的現場調查資料,結合有關專家多年的整治經驗,總結出壩體的損毀原因及影響因素;對現有塊體穩定性的研究成果進行回顧和總結,并針對散拋石壩的直接損毀現象,結合山區河流的水流、地形特點,利用塊體粒徑與起動流速的關系,提出塊體穩定重量與起動流速高次方成正比的概念,流速50的增長可能導致塊體穩定重量接近40倍的變化;通過二維變坡水槽試驗,研究了壩體穩定的主要影響因素,包括塊體重量、壩頂水深、斷面尺寸、塊體材料(塊石和卵石兩種) 、護底等,結果表明對于山區河流,試圖僅僅通過增加壩體單個塊體重量或斷面尺寸來提高壩體穩定性效果甚微;最后,根據西部地區的自然、經濟、交通等條件,提出可以采用柔性混凝土鉸鏈體等一類整體性較好的護面層作為散拋石壩的防沖毀措施,以期取得良好的工程效果。

By the analysis and study , it is showed that : 1 ) the lower weihe river main channel was at a balanceable state between aggradation and degradation and floodplain of the lower weihe river is a tiny aggradation state before the construction of the sanmenxia dam ; 2 ) the severe aggradation of the lower weihe river bed is mainly caused by the increasing riverbed elevation at tongguan after the construction of the sanmenxia dam ; 3 ) the main reason leading to the increasing riverbed elevation at tongguan is the unreasonable operation of the sanmenxia reservoir ; 4 ) the rate of the riverbed aggradation at tongguan reach and the lower weihe river reach are speeded by adverse condition of incoming water and sediment recently 然后以實測資料為基礎分析研究了三門峽建庫前后潼關高程的變化規律以及渭河下游河道的沖淤演變規律,分析研究表明:建庫前渭河下游主槽處于動態沖淤平衡狀態,灘地處于微淤狀態;建庫后,渭河下游河道發生嚴重淤積主要是由于潼關高程的抬升造成的;潼關高程的抬升主要是由于三門峽水庫的不合理運用造成的,近期不利的水沙條件加劇了潼關河床的抬升速度和渭河下游的淤積。

It helps researchers and decision - makers to form a clear picture of the problem faced , hasten their understanding and deepen their insight . with vc + + as programming language , a dynamic visualization system of flow field and river bed change process is developed based on tecplot , an excellent graphic platform 可視化將數據所代表的自然現象的過程直觀形象地表達出來,有助于研究與決策人員對所面臨的問題形成一個清晰的圖像,能加速人們的理解過程并深入洞察事物的本質。

If there is no over burden at the river bed , the steel pipe pile cannot be inserted , the floating platform will be adopted , during overwater construction , the author ( using zhong - 60 floating box , etc . ) assembled 40t floating crane by his own design , in this way , the floating crane completed the work of overwater transporting and lifting , such as the transporting of s teel pipe pile , inserting , the erecting of overwater construction platform , overwater moving of drill grid crane , lifting of lifting box of cushion cap , pulling out of steel pipe pile 在水上作業中,作者利用中- 60浮箱等設備自行設計、拼制了40t浮吊,完成了水上運輸、水上起重等作業,如鋼管樁的運輸、插打、水上施工平臺的搭設、鉆機吊車的水上轉移、承臺吊箱的起吊、鋼管樁的拔除等作業。

Based on the analyses of the flow and sediment characteristics and evolution trend of the river bed of the fuling reach in the yangtze river before and after the impoundment of the three gorges reservoir , the water level , velocity variation and influenced range in the fuling reach before and fifty years after the operation of the three gorges reservoir with the construction of the fuling dock and four discharge combinations are calculated by using a two - dimensional flow mathematic model 摘要在分析長江涪陵段的水沙特性和三峽水庫蓄水前后該河段河床演變趨勢的基礎上,運用二維水流數學模型,分析了4種流量組合情況下在三峽水庫運用前和運用50年,涪陵港區碼頭修建前后的水位、流速變化及其影響范圍。

Seismic survey is a new method used to civil engineering area in recent years . it was widely applied to survey or detecting of roadbase , dam base , foundation of building , tunnel , river bed , lake bed and etc . the chief methods are reflection method , refraction method , wave velocity testing , surface ware survey and transverse wave suivey . seismic survey can divide different layer , measure the incidence of sediment stratum , detect the structure of rock , test the handle effect of surface wave survey , we can calculate the carrying capacity of foundation and other mechanical parameters . this technique can give service to some big engineering departments such as highway developing company , survey design company , water supply company , plan bureau , construct bureau etc 應用于工程的主要方法有反射波法折射波法波速測井面波法及橫波勘探等。地震勘探能詳細劃分地層高精度地確定沉積地層的傾角能夠準確探明巖體構造褶皺斷層破碎帶裂隙帶對于回填工程路基壩基,地震勘探可以檢測其回填處理效果對于隧道工程,可以探測隧道洞體的圍巖分類及洞口地質情況利用面波勘探所得到的瑞利波速度,可以準確推算地基的承載力動彈模量等力學參數。

In this paper , gravel characteristics and variety along the river were studied with digital image technology ; variety of grain sizes distribution of the river bed along jinmahe section in minjian river was analyzed ; several representative formulas of bedload transport rate were proved according to the field data of dujiangyan 本文采用數字圖象技術研究了卵石顆粒的幾何特征及沿程變化;分析了岷江金馬河河段河床質級配的沿程變化;根據都江堰的輸沙率資料論證了幾家有代表性的推移質輸沙率公式的實用性。

In which , it gives inquiring of the construction of deep - water foundations and the usage of floating crane . the construction program of bridge pier foundation will be fixed according to the water depth . if the water depth is less than 4m , pier foundation will adopt the method of building island by earth filling ; if the water depth is more than 4m and there is over burden at river bed , at the same time , it has sufficient bearing capacity to load steel pipe pile , the steel pipe pile platform will be adopted 其中,對深水基礎的施工及浮吊的使用進行了探討,根據水深確定橋墩基礎的施工方法,對水深不超過四米的橋墩基礎,采用填土筑島的方法:對水深大于四米,河床有覆蓋層,且能保證鋼管樁具有足夠的承載力的橋墩,采用鋼管樁平臺;對主河道上河床沒有覆蓋層,鋼管樁無法插打的橋墩,采用浮式平臺。

What ' s more , we put forward some experienced formulas on the basis of the cortical analysis . the result of the research show that by installing diffluent piers with low ridge , we can eliminate the root of oscillatiny water jump , perfect the energy dissipation effect of water jump , also , we can improve the flow condition of down - stream . the fact that the main flow of down - stream is in the middle , not only effectively lower the speed of the bottom flow in the ridge rear , alleviate the erosion to the river bed , but also avoid the heavy wave resulted from the main flow in the surface , thus improve the surface wave of down - stream obviously . we can work out the body style parameters of diffluent piers with low ridge according to the project flow condition and experience formulas , and then reckon the down - stream surface wave condition for the protected building of the down - stream bank 研究結果表明:設置低坎分流墩后,消除了擺動水躍水舌擺動的根源,提高了水躍的消能效果,改善了下游水流流態。下游水體的主流在中部,既有效的降低了坎后水流底流速,減輕水流對河床的沖刷,又避免了主流位于表面導致波浪過大的結果,下游的水面波浪明顯得到削減。依據經驗公式,可根據工程水流條件設計出低坎分流墩的體型參數,進而估算出下游沿程的水面波浪,為下游岸邊的砌護提供依據。

Building of dams , narrowing or widening of river beds for the purpose of rescue operations and flood prevention in the areas mentioned in the preceding paragraph should get prior approval from transportation depattments of the people ' s governments of respective provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities and related water resources administrative departments , and effective measures should be carried out to protect the related roads , road bridges , road tunnels and road ferries 在前款范圍內因搶險、防汛需要修筑堤壩、壓縮或者拓寬河床的,應當事先報經自治區、直轄市人民政府交通主管部門會同水行政主管部門批準,并采取有效的保護有關的公路、公路橋梁、公路隧道、公路渡口安全的措施。

Recycled water that has been generated through the advanced treatment of sewage water is being applied in various ways such as for use in restrooms of buildings , restoring clear running streams to dried - up river beds , and for road sprinkling , one measure for combating the heat island effect 廢水經過高度處理成為再生水后用途廣泛。例如,用于建筑物的盥洗室用水,為干涸的河床重新注入清流,以及路面灑水這是應對熱島效應措施的一環。

Thus , whether the building and putting in use of dong zhuang reservoir will result in sediment deposits worsen of lower wei - river ? so it is very important to conduct the movable bed physical model about dong zhung water conservancy hub on river bed of lower wei - river 那么東莊水庫的修建和運用,是否會造成渭河下游淤積狀況的惡化,進行東莊水利樞紐對渭河下游河道動床物理模型試驗研究就顯得尤為重要。

The region and the earth surface across this road are mainly water above ground and run - off and the ground water is mostly made up of groundwater and perched water ; the river bed is more obvious ; the overbank is covered by medium sand and gravel ect 路線所經地帶地面主要為地表水和徑流,地下水主要以潛水和上層滯水為主,河床較明顯,河灘覆蓋中砂、礫石等。地勢低洼地帶地表常年積水,影響路基穩定。

The nasa team had hoped spirit would find equally clear signs on the ground : things like the sort of rounded pebbles or boulders found in terrestrial river beds , ripples in the sand , or rocks built up over time by the deposit of sediments from water Nasa的工作人員希望“勇氣號”能在地面上找到對等的痕跡,如:河床上的圓形鵝卵石或漂石,沙灘上的波紋,經過長時間由水中沉淀物沉積而成的石頭。

Afterwards , he will remember only snatched and fragmentary memories - stealing apples and the dry crumble of earth under his fingertips , ducking under a line of washing , shivering in the bend of a river bed , a flash of green light 稍后,他也只能拾起片段零散的記憶偷來的頻果以及乾燥的土壤碎屑在他的指尖, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,在河床的灣淺處的顫栗,一閃綠光。